Lean Six Sigma Case Studies in the Healthcare…
❤ Management medical!
Computerized Medical Office Procedures
Fordney's Medical Insurance Dictionary for Billers…
Management medicalThe FDA for Doctors
Management medicalLaunching and Leading Change Initiatives in Health Care Organizations
Medical Statistics
Data-Driven Healthcare: How Analytics and BI Are Transforming…
Medical Billing and Coding for Dummies
Cognitive Informatics for Biomedicine
Consumer Health Informatics
The Patient Revolution
Leadership and Management in Healthcare
Surgical Patient Care
Consent in Pediatric Urology
Quality Imperative, The
Introduction to Health Services
Taking the Lead in Patient Safety
Error Reduction in Health Care
Design Details for Health
The Definitive Guide to Emergency Department Operational Improvement
Practical Guide to Clinical Data Management, Third…
Pursuing the Triple Aim
Hospitals & Health Care Organizations
Medical Management
Lean Six SIGMA for Hospitals
The Health Care Data Guide
Transforming Health Care Leadership
Health Care Information Systems
Lean Six Sigma Case Studies in the Healthcare Enterprise
Leadership and Management in Healthcare
Reduceri 🔻
Produse la care a scazut pretul, la promotie sau la oferta:
Surgical Patient Care
Surgical Patient Care
Practical Guide to Clinical Data Management, Third…
Practical Guide to Clinical Data Management, Third…
Legal and Ethical Aspects of Health Information…
The Value of Systems and Complexity Sciences for…
Electronic Health Records
Clinical Problem Lists in the Electronic Health…
Taking the Lead in Patient Safety
Taking the Lead in Patient Safety
Eu Annex 11 Guide to Computer Validation Compliance for the Worldwide…
Safer Electronic Health Records
Health Care Information Systems
Health Care Information Systems
Quality Imperative, The
Quality Imperative, The
Strauss and Mayer's Emergency Department Management
Operational Research for Emergency Planning in Healthcare…
Disruptive Healthcare Provider Behavior
Design Details for Health
Design Details for Health
Introduction to Health Services
Introduction to Health Services
Transforming Health Care Leadership
Lean Six SIGMA for Hospitals
Lean Six SIGMA for Hospitals
Medical Management
Medical Management
Leadership and Management in Healthcare
Leadership and Management in Healthcare
Produse la cele mai mici preturi:
In Stitches
IeftineHow to Get in and Out of the Hospital... and Back to Your Own Bed…
Senior Nurse Mentor
Mnemonics and Study Tips for Medical Students, Third…
The Automated Practice
The Single Payer Healthcare System - Faults…
Medical Billing and Coding for Dummies
Medical Billing and Coding for Dummies
Befragung von Pflegekunden
Berufsethos kontra OEkonomie
The Best Medicine
Mastering the Bmat
Die aerztliche Zweitmeinung
Komplexitaetsbewaeltigung in Betrieben der Sozialwirtschaft
Pillars of Wealth
Angewandtes Case Management
Betriebswirtschaftliche Grundlagen fuer Mediziner und medizinisches…
Electronic Health Records For Dummies
Grundlagen der Gesundheitsoekonomie
Lehrbegriffe und Grundlagen der Gesundheitsoekonomie
Just-In-Time for Healthcare
Privatisierung Im Gesundheitswesen
Cashflow-orientiertes Liquiditaetsmanagement im…
Systemimmanente Anreize im Pauschalierenden Entgeltsystem Psychiatrie…
Erfolgreiche PR-Arbeit fuer Krankenhaeuser
Online-Marketing fuer medizinische Gesellschaften…
Online-Marketing fuer das erfolgreiche Krankenhaus
Benchmarking im Krankenhaus
Pflegeeinrichtungen erfolgreich fuehren
Fordney's Medical Insurance Dictionary for Billers and…
IeftineNoutati 🆕 Cele mai noi modele
Cele mai moderne, recent aparute sau adaugate la vanzare de curand:
Lean Six Sigma Case Studies in the Healthcare…
Computerized Medical Office Procedures
Fordney's Medical Insurance Dictionary for Billers…
27.03.2024 22:02:12Noi
The FDA for Doctors
27.03.2024 21:58:35Noi
Launching and Leading Change Initiatives in Health Care Organizations
Medical Statistics
Data-Driven Healthcare: How Analytics and BI Are Transforming…
Medical Billing and Coding for Dummies
Cognitive Informatics for Biomedicine
Consumer Health Informatics
The Patient Revolution
Leadership and Management in Healthcare
Surgical Patient Care
Consent in Pediatric Urology
Quality Imperative, The
Introduction to Health Services
Taking the Lead in Patient Safety
Error Reduction in Health Care
Design Details for Health
The Definitive Guide to Emergency Department Operational…
Practical Guide to Clinical Data Management, Third Edition
Pursuing the Triple Aim
Hospitals & Health Care Organizations
Medical Management
Lean Six SIGMA for Hospitals
The Health Care Data Guide
Transforming Health Care Leadership
Health Care Information Systems
Lean Six Sigma Case Studies in the Healthcare…
Leadership and Management in Healthcare
Scumpe / De Lux 👑
Cele mai bune modele, putin mai scumpe, dar rezistente, performante, frumoase, de calitate, care merita cumparate:
Cross-Cultural Training and Teamwork in Healthcare
Organizational Culture and Ethics in Modern Medicine
Comparative Effectiveness Research in Health Services
Medical Practice Variations
Forrest General Medical Center Advanced Medical Transcription…
CPT Case Studies
Why Hospitals Fail
Eu Annex 11 Guide to Computer Validation Compliance for the Worldwide…
Handbuch Changemanagement im Krankenhaus
Safer Electronic Health Records
Practical Guide to Clinical Data Management, Third…
Practical Guide to Clinical Data Management, Third…
Netter's Atlas of Surgical Anatomy for CPT…
Management von Arztpraxen
Lean Six Sigma Case Studies in the Healthcare Enterprise
Lean Six Sigma Case Studies in the Healthcare…
Lean Six Sigma Case Studies in the Healthcare…
Electronic Health Records
Clinical Problem Lists in the Electronic Health…
Health Care Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation
Population Health Management in Health Care Organizations
Boundaryless Hospital
Operations Management in Healthcare
The Economics of Resource Allocation in Health…
Pathology Practice Management
Evidence-Based Decision Making in Health Service…
Strauss and Mayer's Emergency Department Management
Pearson's Comprehensive Medical Coding
Microparticle Formation by Spray-Freeze-Drying
The Value of Systems and Complexity Sciences for…
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